Alex Benfanti grew up in Tacoma and was saved by the Lord Jesus Christ at the age of 20. He immediately fell in love with the Word of God and felt a strong desire to make Christ known and treasured. He also came to have a deep appreciation for sound doctrine early in his Christian life, having been previously led astray by Roman Catholicism and the Charismatic movement. Alex earned his BS in Biochemistry from the University of Puget Sound in 2015 and spent several years in Florida working and studying the Scriptures. In 2019, the Lord led him to Los Angeles where he served at Grace Community Church and earned his Masters of Divinity at The Master’s Seminary in 2023. Upon graduation, he answered the call to become the Associate Pastor at Good Shepherd Bible Church. Alex is passionate to make the Gospel known to the lost and to see the redeemed become more like Christ, all for His glory. You can reach Pastor Alex at
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