Student Ministry

Our purpose in Student Ministry is to proclaim the glories of the Gospel of Jesus Christ as revealed in Scripture. Our desire is to see these students come to a true saving faith in Jesus Christ and to grow in love, obedience, delight, proclamation, and service for His glory and their good. We hope to see these students mature into adulthood through understanding and applying the Word of God, and honoring and cherishing the God of the Word. These students are a vital part of Good Shepherd Bible Church and we love to see them involved and serving, connected and growing in the Lord together with the larger church family.

Student Group meets every 1st and 3rd Sundays from 4-6 pm for games, teaching from the Bible with Pastor Alex, small group discipleship, and dinner. We take a break during the summer (from June 1st through September 7th) to encourage time with family.

If you have questions or would like to get your students connected with Student Ministry, please email Pastor Alex at:

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