GSCC Weekly Prayer Guide

We are excited to provide this Weekly Prayer Guide to encourage you and your family to grow in devotion to prayer for the advancement of God’s Kingdom. Having prayed through the month scattered using this Prayer Guide, we will have the opportunity to gather together to pray for 1 hour the 2nd Wednesday of each month.  Our first prayer meeting will be held Wednesday 9/14 @ 7pm @ GSCC. To kick off the prayer ministry will we hold a Dinner @ 6pm.

Adult Sunday School

Two adult classes will begin on September 11th @ 9am.  The Book of Daniel will be taught by Tom Koonsman and the Letter to the Colossians will be taught by Tom Anderson. Please sign up for either class in the Church foyer.


We will be having a Baptism Service on Fall Kick-off Sunday, September 11th. Please sign up in the Church foyer if you are interested or would like to learn more about baptism.

Membership Class August 27

There will be a membership class on Saturday, August 27 from 9am – 1pm for anyone desiring to become a member of GSCC or finding out more about the Church. Please sign up in the Church foyer if you are interested.