Recommended Reading for June

18 Words: The Most important Words you will ever know by J.I. Packard
“J. I. Packer is a master wordsmith. He is also gifted with the ability of showing where truth lies in complicated reasoning. These skills combine to make Words from God a fascinating read – and a life-changing one.

The 18 words are Death, Devil, Election, Faith, Fellowship, Grace, Holiness, Justification, Lord, Mediator, Mortification, Reconciliation, Regeneration, Revelation, Sanctification, Scripture, Sin & World.”
(from Publisher)

The cost is $12 and copies can be ordered at the office

Get Ready! Vacation Bible School

We are very excited to be holding a VBS program this summer July 18th to the 22nd!  Please be in prayer for a great harvest.

There will be a planning meeting on Monday, May 23rd from 7-8:30pm @ GSCC for those that are interested in helping out with this ministry. Please contact Jennie Pickens for more info.

Prayer Chain

Just a reminder that if you are not on the Church Prayer Chain please contact the Church office and request to be added.  To put a request on the Prayer Chain contact the office during office hours (9am – 3:30pm).  For after hours requests contact Ruthie Edmonds or Susan Cairns.