Get Ready! Vacation Bible School

We are very excited to be holding a VBS program this summer July 18th to the 22nd!  Please be in prayer for a great harvest.

There will be a planning meeting on Monday, May 23rd from 7-8:30pm @ GSCC for those that are interested in helping out with this ministry. Please contact Jennie Pickens for more info.

Prayer Chain

Just a reminder that if you are not on the Church Prayer Chain please contact the Church office and request to be added.  To put a request on the Prayer Chain contact the office during office hours (9am – 3:30pm).  For after hours requests contact Ruthie Edmonds or Susan Cairns.

Recommended Reading for May

The Cross-centered Life by: C.J. Mahaney

“Again and again, by his life and writing, C.J. Mahaney has summoned me to the centrality of the cross.  I love Christ more because of this precious ministry.” ~ John Piper

If you would like a copy, please contact the church office.  The cost is $5.00.

Recommended Reading for April

What is the Gospel?  By Greg Gilbertgilbert-what-is-the-gospel

“What makes this book profound is its simplicity.  Perhaps the greatest danger in Christianity is making assumptions about what the Gospel is without hearing the Bible’s clear and definitive voice.  It is not an overstatement to say this may be the most important book you’ll read about the Christian faith.” ~Rick Holland

If you would like to order a copy, please come to the church office.  The cost is $8.00.