Membership Class

The Elders will be teaching a four week membership class beginning on March 6.  The class will run from 6:30-8:00 PM.  The dates are: 3/6, 3/13, 3/27 and 4/3.  If you are interested in becoming a member of Good Shepherd Community Church or would just like to learn more about who we are please sign up for this class in the church office.

New Women’s Bible Study

New study starting March 23rd:

Respectable Sins by Jerry Bridges

This book is a convicting look at the subtle sins we tend to tolerate in our Christian lives.  It deals with topics such as anxiety, frustration, not being thankful, pride, selfishness, impatience and anger.  We will be challenged to confront these sins and grow in Christ as we read this book together.  Carolyn Anderson and Jennie Pickens will lead the 8 week discussion through this practical book.

Sign-up sheet is in the foyer, childcare is provided, cost for book is $14.