Embracing a Biblical Vision for Marriage with Dr. Bruce and Jodi Ware

Marriage is God’s idea. It’s His good design and gift to us yet, as sinners, we often struggle to live out this unique relationship in a way that honors and pleases God.  Embracing a biblical vision for marriage (and the closely related work of parenting) is one of the most important steps to understanding and living out these important relationships.  The more we honor and pursue God’s all-wise design for marriage, the more joy and meaning we will experience as we walk hand-in-hand together. 

Come join us the weekend of September 13-14, as we welcome Dr. Bruce and Jodi Ware for a special weekend focused upon marriage and family.  Please register for this event at: gsccbellingham@gmail.com.  The cost is $15 per person at the door. The schedule is Friday from 6:30 – 9 pm and Saturday from 8:30 to 12 noon.