A New Way to Give – Online or App!

The Elders are excited to provide you with a new option for giving to the church. We now have an account with Tithe.ly.com, a company that allows the church to receive contributions via the Tithe.ly app or online. It’s very easy to set up an account, just make sure you choose the correct Good Shepherd since there are several others! You can choose a one-time or reoccurring gift using a credit/debit card or simply deposit directly from your bank account. There is no monthly fee for this, but there is a 2.9% processing fee, plus $.30 per transaction. You will be given the option to cover this fee when you give.

For some, this will be an easier and more consistent way to financially support the church. We will continue to pass offering bags each week as a regular part of our worship service for those who prefer that option. If you have questions or problems using the app or website, please contact Jennie Pickens at: gsccbellingham@gmail.com or 360-312-9368.

Head to the App Store on your phone to download the Tithe.ly app, or give online by clicking on the picture below.


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Every month we will be sending out an e-newsletter to keep you up to speed with church life and upcoming events at Good Shepherd.  To sign up for the newletter, please enter your email address below and subscribe.

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