Fall Women’s Bible Study: The Gospel of Matthew

Ladies, join us this Fall for Women’s Bible Study on Wednesdays from 10-11:30am (note the later time). Beginning September 20th and finishing December 6th, we will be studying through 12 weeks of the Gospel of Matthew. Come learn more about Jesus our Savior and discuss and pray with us together each week. Jennie Pickens will be leading this study. Childcare is provided.  The cost of the book is $10. Please sign up in the foyer on Sunday.


Fall Bible Class: The Book of Judges

Heroes, Monsters, and a Great Salvation

This Fall, we are studying together the Book of Judges; an historical look at “despicable people doing deplorable things”.  This Book records only a few highs surrounded by many more lows of murder, assassination, massacres, immorality, lawlessness, and unfaithfulness. Yet in the midst of this awful display, God is at work.  The Book tells of the “judges” raised up by God to save His people over and over again from the cruel oppression of the nations all around them.  Yet, even these “heroes” showed their own flaws and failings reminding us of our longing for Jesus, the righteous Hero and Deliverer promised of old. 

The Book of Judges is about God, about His mercy and His longsuffering.  It is about a God Who continually works in, and through, and for His people despite their resistance and despite their failures both then and now.  You are invited to join us as we study through this incredible Book.  Dan Long is teaching this class that meets in the Upper Room at 9am.

Fall Men’s Study – The Hole in Our Holiness by Kevin DeYoung

Men of Good Shepherd, you are invited to gather with us on Wednesday nights at 7pm in the Library as we read and discuss the book, “The Hole in Our Holiness” by Kevin DeYoung.  This book is incredibly helpful for men who desire to grow in holiness and obedience to the Lord each day.  God not only takes away the guilt of our sin, but He also breaks the power of sin in our lives calling us to live in righteousness obedience as we are strengthened by Him each day.  Come study and grow in your pursuit of this holiness as we seek the Lord together this Fall starting September 20th.  We have books already, just bring $10 for your own copy.

Bible Class: The Book of Hebrews

Come and join the class being taught by Tom Anderson on the Book of Hebrews.  Tom is teaching in-depth, verse-by-verse through this important book of the Bible.  The subject of Hebrews is, “The Superiority of Christ” and the method of the author is to compare many Old Testament people or practices to Christ, and show how Christ is far superior in every circumstance.  Hebrews repeatedly calls believers to persevere in their faith all the way to the end.  Difficult passages found in Hebrews 6, 10, and 12, will be examined closely with the goal that you will grow in your faith and understand more this beautiful book of the New Testament.