May Recommended Reading

50-Crucial-Questions-Cover50 Crucial Questions: An Overview of Central Concerns About Manhood and Womanhood by John Piper and Wayne Grudem
” I am happy to recommend this valuable discussion of specific issues central to the gender-role debate.  Its concise form makes it accessible to all, and the authors’ firm commitment to the clear explanations of biblical truth male it spiritually and intellectually satisfying. Anyone who studies book honestly and sincerely will benefit greatly from it.” ~ Jack Cotrell

If you would like to purchase a copy for $7.50, contact the office

New Bible Class: Amos – The Lion Roars From Zion

Lion 2

Beginning May 8th, we are going to study the Word of the Lord through His prophet Amos.  It is a proclamation of judgment of the nations and His people in a time of prosperity.  God’s people lacked true worship and were unjust in their dealings with others.  In the face of certain judgment, God’s faithfulness is revealed through His covenant.  Prepare to learn of God’s holiness and see His character revealed in the revelation of Amos.  Dan Long will be teaching this class in the Alcove.

April Recommended Reading

Stop Asking Jesus Into Your Heart: How to Know for Sure You Are Saved by J.D. Greear
StopAskingJesus“Salvation is a serious issue. Scripture commands us, on the one hand, to ‘work out our salvation with fear and trembling’ and, on the other, paints beautiful pictures of believers walking in great assurance. {The author} J.D. helps us see what conversion really is and what it is not. This book will be a help for those who wrestle with their position before God and a wake-up call for those with false confidence. I recommend it highly.” ~ Matt Chandler.   If you would like to purchase a copy for $9.50, contact the Office.