February Recommended Reading

Be Still, My Soul: Embracing God’s Purpose and Provision in Suffering edited by Nancy Guthrie
BeStillMySoul“When life becomes difficult, when we face deep disappointment, agonizing loss, or on-going pain, we set out on a search to find answers to significant questions: Why would God allow this to happen? What good could come out of this? What will it look like to trust him? In this collection of insightful essays and excerpts, classic and contemporary theologians and Bible teachers explore Scripture in regard to the causes and purposes of suffering, as well as what it means to trust God in the midst of hardship and pain.”

If you would like to purchase a copy for $11.50 contact the office.

Ligonier 2016 West Coast Conference – June 3-4 (Overlake Christian Church)

Sproul ConfWe are excited to begin the group registration process once again for the Ligonier West Coast Conference.  This year’s theme is: The Gospel.  The good people at Ligonier Ministries have assembled a strong group of speakers for this year’s conference.  We would like to take as many people as we can and enjoy the sessions together.  If you would like to learn more about the schedule or speakers, please follow this link: 2016 West Coast Conference.  If you would like to register with us for the group discount, please sign up at the table in the Lobby.  The group rate is only $59 per person.  Once registration papers are submitted in early May cancelling is not possible, so please plan accordingly.  Come enjoy this weekend of rich teaching and fellowship!


January Recommended Reading

Think: The Life of the Mind & Love of God by John Piper
Think“We often pit thinking and feeling against each other, especially when it comes to the Christian experience. Glorifying God with our minds and hearts, however, is not either-or, but both-and. Focusing on the life of the mind will enable you to know God better, love him more, and care for the world. This book will help you think about thinking, and about how the heart and mind glorify God together. ” ~ Crossway Publishers

If you would like to purchase a copy for $15.00, contact the Office.