Taking the Gospel to Work – Men’s Rally Point – May 23, 7:30-9:00 AM

Rally PointMen, come join us as we rally together the men of the church for a hearty breakfast and some teaching from the Scriptures.  John Appel will be addressing the theme: Taking the Gospel to Work.  Those of you who know John, know how important this topic is to his heart.  So bring a friend and join us for Rally Point on May 23rd.

Fall Couple’s Retreat – October 24th, 9-4pm at Cedar Springs

retreat picWe are excited to announce that our Fall Couple’s Retreat will be held on October 24th, from 9-4pm at Cedar Springs.  We are privileged to enjoy teaching this year from Pastor Steve Balvanz of Spring Creek Bible Church.  Come enjoy some time away together as a couple in the beautiful colors of Fall.  Your marriage will be refreshed as a result of this time away together.  The cost is $40 per couple.  Make sure to save October 24th as you plan for the Fall and watch for the signup sheet as we get closer to this date.

May Recommended Reading

Praying the Lord’s Prayer by J.I. Packer
PrayingTheLordsPrayer“Praying is a problem for many people. Christians often go through the motions of prayer because it is expected of them, but they are often left wondering, “Did God hear me? Does he even care?”  J. I. Packer presents a powerful truth: prayer is a natural activity between the Heavenly Father and his children. As Packer works through each phrase of Christ’s pattern of prayer, readers will begin to grasp the basic principles and guidelines of prayer. As readers apply the truths of this book to their prayer lives, they will experience intimate communication with God and will strengthen their own conversations with their Father in heaven.”

You may order a book for $10.00 or check out the copy by the Office.

Bible Class: The Book of Joshua

Come explore the promises and the character of God as revealed and fulfilled in the Old Testament book of Joshua.  Dan Long will be teaching through the chapters of Joshua each week in a discussion oriented format.  Come and see how God is faithful to do all He has promised.

“Not one word…had failed; all came to pass.” ~ Joshua 21:45