April Recommended Reading

Taking God At His Word by Kevin DeYoung
TakingGodAtHisWord“This is a brilliant, succinct, yet thorough study of the authority and sufficiency of Scripture, based on what Scripture says about itself. Clarity and passion are the distinguishing marks of Kevin DeYoung’s writing, and this may be his finest, most important work yet.” —John MacArthur

You may order a book for $16.00 or check out the copy by the Office.

March Recommended Reading

Trial and Triumph by Richard Hannula
TrialandTriumph“How well do you know these people: Athanasius, John Wycliff, John Huss, Jonathan Edwards and David Livingstone?  How quickly the stories of those who have gone before us are lost to the passing time.  Yet, how important they are to us as we seek to walk faithfully with God through the trials we face in our day.  In Trail and Triumph, Richard Hannula brings us 46 brief biographies for children (and adults), that call us to the same resolve and faithfulness as those who have gone before.” ~ Pastor Jeremy

You may order the book for $15.00 or check out the copy by the Office.