Thanksgiving Praise Service and Potluck

On Sunday, November 24, during the morning service we will be having a time of corporate praise for the blessings God has given us this past year.  Please come prepared to share a blessing with your church.  After the service, we will share a potluck together.  Please bring a prepared main dish and a salad to share.

Thanksgiving Praise Service and Potluck

On Sunday, November 24, during the morning worship service, we will be having a time of corporate praise for the blessings God has given us this past year.  Please come prepared to share a blessing with your church family. After the service we will share a potluck together.  Please bring a prepared main dish and a salad or dessert to share.

Ladies Craft Night

Ladies, you are invited to come to a Craft Night on Friday, November 8th at 7 PM.  Bring a craft you would like to work on. Bring a friend and a snack to share.  Young ladies are welcome too! Questions: call the Church Office or Jennie Pickens.

Ladies Night Out ~ Bowling

On Monday, November 4th, beginning at 6:30 PM at Mt. Baker Lanes in Ferndale, all ladies college age and up are invited to attend.  The cost is $6 for 2 games and shoe rental.  Come join the women for a time of blowing and fellowship.  We will be going to Dairy Queen afterwards. Please sign up in the church foyer.

November Recommended Reading

A Neglected Grace: Family Worship in the Christian Home by Jason HelopoulosNeglectedGrace
This book may lead to a greatly needed revival of family worship.   Churches where this excellent book is known and read can only see a growth in the faith of children and parents alike.  “If your family is not worshiping together in the home, this may be the most important book you read this year.” ~ Richard D. Phillips

If you would like to order a copy of from the Office, the cost is $8.  You may also check it out from the church recommended reading shelf outside the Office.