On Saturday, November 2 at 6:30 PM bring your favorite ready to eat, meat or side dish. Dessert & beverage will be provided. Bring a friend and sign up at the desk in the foyer.
Baptism Service
We will be having a Baptism Service this Sunday, October 27. If you would like to be baptized, please let the church office or one Elders know ASAP.
Rock of Agers ~ Psalm 71 – Pastor Wayne Pickens
I Will Rise ~ 1 Corithians 15:12-49 – Pastor Jeremy Pickens
The Truth Project
Session #6 of the Truth Project will be shown this Tuesday, October 15 at GSCC from 6:30 – 8:30 PM. Bring your Bible and snacks as watch the DVD together and discuss afterwards.
Membership Informational Meeting
At the Membership Meeting on October 27, there will a a vote to reaffirm Tom Anderson as our Elder for an additional 3 years. If you are unable to attend and would like to cast your vote, you need to request an absentee ballot in writing to the Elder Board this week and the ballot must be returned to the Church Office no later than the start of the meeting.
Whatcom County Pregnancy Clinic
WCPC is holding it’s annual fundraising event on Thursday, October 17 at the Ferndale Event Center from 6:15-8:45 PM. Please see Jim Lucas for more information.
Act Like Men Conference
Pastor Jeremy is recommending a conference for men on October 25 & 26 at Redeemer Church 211 N. Shore Dr, Bellingham. The cost is $35 and includes 3 meals. For more details including online registration click here. Registration closes Sunday October 13th.
Sola Gratia! ~ 1 Corinthians 15:9-11 – Pastor Jeremy Pickens (Baptism Service)
October Recommended Reading
How the Gospel Brings Us All the Way Home by Dr. Derek W. H. Thomas
The apostle Paul’s letter to the Romans is widely regarded as his finest work. At the center of that book lies chapter 8, in which the author calls “the best chapter in the Bible”. In these pages, Dr Thomas leads his readers step by step through this remarkable chapter of Scripture, unfolding the way stations along the Christian journey and uncovering profound exhortations and reassurances for God’s people.
The cost of the book is $11 or you may check it out from the shelf outside the office.