Student Group

A new small group for Middle and High School students will be kicking off on Tuesday, March 26th from 7-9 PM at Pastor Jeremy and Jennie’s home.  There will be tacos, a time to get to know each other and a time to talk about the vision for the group. Please bring your Bible and a friend.

Church Budget

In preparation for the Annual meeting on Sunday April 28th the proposed church budget is available for you to read and ask questions of our Elders before the meeting.  Please pick up your copy in the Office or at the desk in the foyer.

Couple’s Retreat

On April 19th and 20th we will be having a Couple’s Retreat at Cedar Springs. The cost is $136 per couple. Please sign up at the desk in the Church foyer ASAP so we can get a feel for how many rooms we need to reserve. More details to follow.

Church Work Day

We will be having an all-church work day on Saturday, March 16th beginning at 9 AM.  There will be both outdoor ad indoor maintenance.   Please decide where you would like to help and bring necessary equipment with you.  Beverages and lunch will be provided. Please consider coming as we prepare our facilities for our Easter Celebration service.