Couple’s Retreat

On April 19th and 20th we will be having a Couple’s Retreat at Cedar Springs. The cost is $136 per couple. Please sign up at the desk in the Church foyer ASAP so we can get a feel for how many rooms we need to reserve. More details to follow.

Church Work Day

We will be having an all-church work day on Saturday, March 16th beginning at 9 AM.  There will be both outdoor ad indoor maintenance.   Please decide where you would like to help and bring necessary equipment with you.  Beverages and lunch will be provided. Please consider coming as we prepare our facilities for our Easter Celebration service.

March Recommended Reading

Kisses From Katie : A Story of Relentless Love and Redemption by Katie DavisKissesFromKatie
“When Jeremy asked me to recommend a book to you for the month of March, I knew exactly which one to pick.  Kisses from Katie, is powerful because it reminds me of the power of God to use one person in an ocean of need, to shine the light of the Gospel.  Katie merely obeyed God’s calling and stepped out in faith, and the results are amazing.  I was convicted and encouraged by her story and her love for the children of Uganda. This is a beautifully written book that is hard to put down! I highly recommend it.” ~ Jennie Pickens

You may order you copy at the Office for $13.50 or check it out of from the library.

Easter Week Calendar of Events

Being followers of Christ Jesus we rejoice in His resurrection daily but as we move closer to Easter Sunday please be in prayer that our celebration of Christ’s resurrection would grow us even more in His grace…because He lives, we who trust in Him will also live!

Palm Sunday Worship Service 3/24 10:15 AM
Maundy Thursday Service 3/28 7:00 PM
Easter Brunch 3/31 9:00 AM
Easter Celebration Service 3/31 10:15 AM