Baby Shower

Ladies, you are invited to a baby shower for Magali Byma at 7pm on Friday, June 15th here at GSCC.  Please let Jennie Pickens know if you are coming.  Magali is having a girl and is registered at Target and Sears.

Recommended Reading For June

Sit, Stand, Walk by Watchman Nee
Nee, a Chinese pastor and teacher wrote this little commentary on the Book of Ephesians.

Most commentaries on Ephesians divide the book between the doctrinal section and the practical section.  Nee took a different track.  He saw a three-fold description of the Christian life, summarized in his title for the book, “Sit, Walk, Stand”.  The Christian Life consists of sitting with Christ, walking with Christ and standing in Christ.

“This a great little book which gives insight into our fullness in Christ.” ~ Elder Tom Anderson

You may order ta copy from the church office for $6.50 or check out one from the library.