Recommended Reading for May

Today’s Gospel by Walter J. Chantry
“My dad gave me this little book a few years ago. Although the book was writtenin 1970,  the author, Walter Chantry, describes perfectly some of the ongoing and tragic mishandlings of the Gospel in our day.  Following this, he then articulates the authentic, biblical Gospel with care and clarity.  I believe you find this book is both convicting and refreshing.” Pastor Jeremy Pickens.

You may check out the library copy or order a copy on the office. Cost will be $7.50.

Good Shepherd Garden Party

The Local Outreach Committee has planned a garden work party on Saturday, April 28 at 9am, immediately following the Men’s Rally Point breakfast.  The entire Church family is invited to participate.

Work will include sod removal, compost application and rototilling. Weather and soil conditions permitting, we may start planting blueberry plants and veggies. There are also plans for cleaning and sprucing up the flowerbeds around the property.  Please bring wheel barrows, rakes, shovels and other gardening tools plus a smile.

Lunch (pizza and salad), snacks and beverages will be provided.

Annual Membership Meeting and Potuck

There will be a potluck and membership meeting on Sunday, April 29 right after the morning service.  For the potluck, please bring a prepared main dish and a salad or dessert.  After the meal, we will be voting on the proposed 2012-13 budget and to affirm Dan Long as an Elder. We will also be hearing reports from some of our ministries. All members are encouraged to attend.

New Hope Uganda: GSCC Missions Trip 2013

Would you partner together with us in living out the implications of the Gospel?

In February of 2013 a team from Good Shepherd Community Church will be spending 2 weeks at New Hope Uganda serving the Lord by providing spiritual encouragement and physical help on a number of important projects.  Each GSSC Team member can bring with them three large suitcases (up to 50lbs each).  We would love to show our love to the people of Uganda by bringing them much needed goods. Please prayerfully consider how you can partner with us in prayer and gift giving.

A Needs Wishlist has been placed in your mailboxes and extra copies are in the Church office if you do not have a mailbox yet. A drop off station will be set up on the Church Foyer next week.

Here is a video about the childcare organization in Uganda that strives to bring the Fatherhood of God to the fatherless.  For more information please visit the New Hope Uganda Web Site.