24 Hours of Prayer

We are asking all of you to consider signing up for a half-hour time slot for our 24 Hours Of Prayer before our Easter Celebration Service.  During this time, you and your family can pray specifically for all the names turned in and for those reaching out with the Gospel to them.  Sign up sheet is in the Church Foyer.

Recommended Reading for March

What Did You Expect?
Redeeming the Realities of Marriage by Paul David Tripp
“Paul Tripp issues a challenge for couples to roll up their sleeves, get to work, and do what it takes to build a God-honoring relationship. He presents six commitments for couples to make, and contained within each is insightful, practical, and effective advice on how to construct a loving, growing, grace-soaked marriage.”
Mary A. Kassian, Professor of Women’s Studies, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary

You may order a copy from the office for $12.50 and/or check out the DVD Series from the library.