Join us April 20th and 21st for teaching from the Word and Fellowship! The topic is on Anxiety, Fear and The Gospel lead by Susan Cairns. Cost is $58 and scholarships are available. Please sign up in the Church foyer.
The Tent & The Altar ~ Genesis 13:5-18 – Pastor Jeremy Pickens
Membership Information Meeting
The Membership Information Meeting has been rescheduled for Sunday February 26th. It will start right after the Worship Service.
How to Fight Abortion ~ Micah 6:8 – Pastor Jeremy Pickens
Membership Class
GSCC will be offering a Membership Class this Sunday, January 29 from 5-8pm in the Church library. If you have not yet signed up for the class, you can still do so in the Church office.
Men’s Rally Point
Men, come and join us Saturday, February 11th at 7:30am for breakfast, fellowship and study in the Book of Proverbs. Cost is $4. Please sign up in the Church foyer.
Faith and Fear ~ Genesis 12:10-13:4 – Pastor Jeremy Pickens
Recommended Reading for January
Point Man: How a Man Can Lead His Family by Steve Farrar
Most men would die for their families, but will they live for them? Steve Farrar challenges men to take their God-given positions on the front lines of the battle, to fight for their family’s health and survival.
Point Man is a trustworthy roadmap through parenthood, the seasons of marriage, personal temptation, and forging a life of faith in the midst of a corrupt culture.
The cost of the book is $11. You may order a copy from the Church office.
Membership Informational Meeting and Potluck
Sunday, January 22nd, after the morning Service we will be having a potluck followed by our quarterly Membership Informational Meeting. There will be updates from several ministry heads. Please bring a main dish and a salad or dessert to share.
Faith Family Prayer Meeting
Please join us in the church library this Wednesday, 1/11 @ 7pm for our monthly Prayer Meeting.