Women’s Winter Bible Study

The winter study will be lead by Carolyn Anderson, beginning Wednesday January 11th @ 9:30AM.

In this 12 lesson study of 2 Samuel, lessons of David’s life will be applied to our struggle, highlighting the faithfulness of God and showing how we too can respond and commit to God’s way in our life.

Childcare will be provided. Signup now in the Church foyer. The cost of the study guide will be $7.50.

Eagle Ridge Christmas

On Monday, December 19th we will be assembling Christmas gift baskets for the people living and working at Eagle Ridge Assisted Living.  Anyone who would like to help the Local Outreach Committee is invited to come to the Church at 6:30pm.

Recommended Reading for December

Worship Matters: Leading Others to Encounter the Greatness of God
by Bo
b Kauflin…
Nothing is more essential than knowing how to worship the God who created us. This book focuses readers on the essentials of God-honoring worship, combining biblical foundations with practical application in a way that works in the real world. The author, a pastor and noted songwriter, skillfully instructs pastors, musicians, and church leaders so that they can root their congregational worship in unchanging scriptural principles, not divisive cultural trends.

“Bob Kauflin is teaching a new generation to take corporate worship seriously in a fashion that is simultaneously biblically faithful and addressing today’s culture.”
-D. A. Carson, Research Professor of New Testament, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School

Copies of the book can be ordered from the Church office for $13.

Rally Point!

Men of Good Shepherd…Please join us for breakfast, fellowship and study in the book of Proverbs on Saturday, December 3, from 7:30 – 9:00 AM.  Please reply to the church office via e-mail or telephone by Thursday if you plan to attend, so we will have an accurate body count for breakfast preparations.  There will be NO Forge on Friday morning December 2nd.

Outreach Sunday

As part of our Outreach Sunday December 18th, our children will be putting on a Christmas play!  Rehearsals will begin this Sunday November 27th during the Worship Service.  All school aged children are encouraged to participate. All youth interested in helping and being a part are welcome.  Their participation will be greatly appreciated!