Prayer Chain

If you are not part of the GSCC Email Prayer Chain and would like to be included, please let the Office know. To put requests on the Prayer Chain contact the Office during the regular office hours of 9 AM -3:30 PM.  If after hours, contact Ruthie Edmonds or Susan Cairns.

Operation Christmas Child

GSCC will be participating once again in Operation Christmas Child! Please bring to the church a gift wrapped shoe box during the month of November filled with toys, school supplies, treats, hygiene items and other items that children would like.  Collection day is Sunday November 20th. For more information and instructions on how to pack your box please pick up a brochure from the desk in the church foyer.

Membership Information Meeting

We will be holding our quarterly Membership Information Meeting this Sunday October 23rd in the sanctuary following the morning worship service. There will be updates from several ministry leads. Members, please plan on attending.

Winter Coat Drive

GSCC will be collecting winter outerwear for our Whatcom County neighbors in need.  The need is for clean, quality coats, hats and mittens for both children and adults.  Please bring your items to the collection box near the church office. October 25th is the last day Sunday to drop off items.

Gospel-Powered Parenting Conference

On October 21st & 22nd there will be a parenting conference at Spring Creek Bible Church (formerly Silver Beach Community Church) 567 E Kellogg Road in Bellingham.  This will be a challenging and helpful weekend whether your kids are toddlers, teenagers or somewhere in between. For more information pick up a brochure in the church foyer.